Thursday, October 30, 2008

Young Explorers English Camp.

Here's a quick up-date!

English camp started October 6th and ended on the 17th; it was a SMASHING success! We had 24 kids attend our camp program, ages ranging from 4-12! A day in the English Camp consisted of... singing in the morning, center activities following which were: a water center, sand center, play dough center, paint center, etc. The english lesson followed the center time which then rolled into our yummy lunch time!

Teaching the daily English lesson to the kids.

Soon after lunch we had quiet/rest time, this is when we'd watch an english movie. We would then have some more fun at the centers once quiet/rest time was over.

Jasmine(back) and Kaopann(front) playing at the ‘Sand Center’.

Snack time was just shortly after. The activity that was next in the line-up was Bible Story Time, we would read a bible story or watch a bible story that of which got translated into Thai (we wanted the kids to fully understand the things about God in their own language so they can then tell others about Jesus), and then right after that we'd head right over to our 'Bible Time Machine'. This was a big hit! We would have a key bible character (eg. Adam) from the story we just read, time warped to that very day. The kids would interact with the key character and learn an important moral lesson. One day we had Josh act as Adam, he made the character so real that the kids would still identify him as Adam once the 'Bible Time Machine' had finished, we would get a good chuckle everytime a kid called him Adam.

Josh as ‘Adam’.

Craft Time followed which went along with the english lesson of the day, this would then bring our day to a close. We really enjoy putting on an English Camp, it gives us great joy teaching the kids about Jesus and developing lasting relationships with them, we look forward to the next one!

Boon(left), Mimi(center), and Poh(right) smiling for the camera on “Water Day”.

Bless you,
Bekah =)

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