With Christmas just around the corner it’s easy to get caught up in all the hustle and the bustle that this season “tends to bring”. I admit, even when I was back in Canada, I would even get caught up in trying to find the perfect gift for family and friends, sometimes that meant going a little bit overboard with spending just to get it. Please don’t get me wrong, giving is a wonderful thing, I certainly enjoy seeing the happy expressions on the faces of your loved ones when the gift exchange is taking place. However for me, I’ve noticed since I’ve been here serving God in Thailand, there has been a significant shifting in my outlook on things. This year I took on the task of sprucing up the ministries front bulletin board for this joyous holiday season. I asked people within and outside the ministry here ‘What does Christmas mean to you?’ I received excellent responses to the question, but this really challenged my thinking of what Christmas really means. Christmas has always been my favourite time of year. I love the crunching of the snow beneath your feet, the glowing of the lights that shine off the beautifully decorated houses, watching the snowflakes fall to the ground from inside a cozy home heated by a fireplace, and my most favourite of all, hugging a warm cup of hot chocolate heaped with marshmellows while watching the twinkling lights of the Christmas tree.
Josh and I appreciate each and every one of you that have given into our lives and that support us prayerfully and financially. Be blessed this joyful holiday season and keep warm, it’s a little “burr” outside :P.
Blessings, Bekah.